the Fairy Tail

Created by Brenda Harrison8 11 years ago
On one of our trips to Norwood when my Grandson Adam was around 4 or 5 the hair style for young (cool) kids was to get a hair cut but to leave one piece at the back of head just above your neck long. Making a tail, not to be confused with a pony tail, or a mullet. As Adam went to greet and talk to his great uncle Don (aka mean Uncle Don - another story another time)his uncle asked Adam "what is this?" "a tail" Adam replied."What kind of tail" asked Uncle Don "a fairy tail" answered Adam. With that Donald Dabbs smile of mischief he said " I don't doubt that." As with many stories of Don Dabbs, they usually involve some laughter. Remembering my brother Don that lived 81 years but I only knew him for 62 of them. Rest in peace, Love you, Brenda